I wrote my first novel in high school, but I didn’t return
to writing until I was pregnant with my second child. So throughout most of my serious writing (in
high school I was just playing) I’ve also been parenting, and I’ve seen a lot
of parallels between the two.
Here are a few that I’ve noticed.
Then the baby comes. And for some reason, newborns can’t sleep. You think that sleep is so important that it would be to our evolutionary advantage for babies to be able to go to sleep, but they don’t. Not without constant jiggling and walking around, and once I do finally get them sleeping, the minute I put them down, they wake up. But the difficulties of parenting do not end there. There is potty training, disciplining, teaching them to share and get along with others, worrying about them falling behind in school. All of this is so much harder than I ever anticipated.
It’s harder than it looks
When I was pregnant with my first child, I wasn’t worried about being a parent. After all, I had tended a lot of kids, watched nieces and nephews grow up, and read the books. If all that failed, I had my mom who was a baby pro. How hard can a newborn be after all they sleep all the time?

It never ends, and it never gets easy.
Writing is the same way. I’ve read hundreds of books and watched hundreds of movies. I was taught basic grammar and composition in school, so writing a novel should be easy.
Only it’s not. Putting words together to paint images and evoke emotion is so much harder than the pros make it look. Weaving plot points together and creating believable characters is far more complex than I ever imagined. And I find myself staring at that blinking curser for hours wondering why it is so hard to express what is in my head. And I begin to realize that even those writers who I thought were horrible are actually kind of amazing.
Advice is everywhere, but finding the right advice is tricky
There is a lot of writing advice and parenting advice. There are books and articles by
professionals. Other struggling parents and
aspiring writers offer their two cents as well, and even people without kids or
have never tried to write anything beyond a term paper have advice to
offer. Great advice can be found anywhere, but
sifting through that advice and finding what actually works for me is
noticed that for parenting and writing some of the advice is like gold, a lot
of it has to be tweaked, some I can’t figure out how to apply, others while
good I just can’t use because it is so contrary to my personality, but very
little of it is completely useless.

So mostly I’m floundering, trying to sift
through all the great advice and figuring out how to make it work.
Never stop learning and growing
The thing a miss the most about my life before children was
coasting. When I started something new
like a job or college or even marriage, my life was thrown in an upheaval, but
eventually I adapted, figured out what I need to do to be successful and then
went back to coasting. There was far
more coasting than adapting, and that is what I like. I only like conflict and tension in books not
in real life.

Writing is no different.
Every time I think I’ve got this writing thing figured out, I realize I’ve
only scratched the surface. There is so
much to learn and different techniques to perfect. Every story provides new challenges, and I’ve
realized I’ll never be done learning. I’ll
never be able to just coast.
And honestly, I think that is kind of awesome. :)
Comparing myself to others is painful and pointless

Sometimes other mothers get overly critical and try to tear
her down, or they compare themselves to her and feel inadequate and inferior
and bad about themselves. It can make
them feel insecure and question all the decisions they’ve made and doubt all
their parenting choices. I hate to admit it, but I’ve been there. No good comes from all that negativity, just
hurt feelings. It is a waste of time and
energy and isn’t going to make you a better mother.
Writing is no different.
There will always be another writer that seems to have it all together. Writes better than me, writes more than me,
reads more than me (coughcoughSheenacough).
But comparing myself to that writer is pointless, a waste of energy that
should be put into my writing. So the
best thing to do is to say, “You go girl,” and move on.
In the end, I gotta be me
This was a hard thing for me to realize as a mother. I was so used to finding solutions to
problems, that I wasn’t ready for problems that have no one right answer or no
wrong answers or sometimes no answers at all. There is no magic formula for parenting.
There is no one in the world exactly like me, and there are
no other children that are exactly like mine.
And what works for one parent or a thousand or a million parents won’t
necessarily work for me. In the end of
this crazy parenting thing, I have to find my own way. Become the best mom that I can be with my own
distinct values and perspective. I can’t
be the mom in the parenting books. I can’t
be like the perfect mom down the street or my sisters or my mother. I have to be me, and adapt my parenting style
to fit my very awesome and unique children.
Now I’m not saying not to read parenting books or seek
parenting advice; that would be foolish.
I’m not so arrogant to think that I don’t have anything to learn. There
is great parenting advice out there that will make me a better parent. I believe I should learn everything I can,
but adapt that knowledge to fit me and my children. Knowledge is how we develop as parents as
people as writers. But in the end, we
have to embrace the part of us that makes us different and turn that difference
into our greatest strength.

Writing what
I love and the way I want it to be gives my writing authenticity and can really
make it shine. So learn all you can about the craft of writing, but in the
end develop your own style and embrace who you are, and your story will be
That’s all I got, but I’d love to hear any of your
insights. What have you learned from
parenting or life that is applicable to writing?
This hits home for me. We just moved from the middle of nowhere to a real neighborhood, and it's been oddly lovely to compare myself to other people after being in (a sort of) cultural vacuum for most of my married life. I'm trying very hard to remain myself, not feel overwhelmed at my inadequacies and glean all the good I can from my new neighbors and friends. It reminds me of the friendships I've created through hatrack--amazing ones; friendships that have helped me to grow, but that really help me when I can keep the "gotta be me" attitude.
ReplyDeleteMaryann I think I have a lot of advice for you on how to write and parent better j/k. Parenting is insanely hard and anyone who says differently is either lying or is done raising kids and doesn't remember. Last week, I took my five-year-old to his kindergarten assessment, which he completely refused to do. The school personal were asking me questions suggesting special ed needs and that he needs to play more with other children. I felt like crap. I stood there stating how bright and well he did in preschool. We brought him back and he rocked it this week. I felt like I was comfortable with who I was until I had children, but parenting all old insecurities are back. I admire your pursuit of writing. Writing is like bearing your soul and heart for everyone to see. It is scarey.
ReplyDeleteLovely, lovely post, Mary Ann. Probably my favorite one of yours so far! There were a couple of pieces of adivce that stuck out to me - "advice is everywhere, but finding the right advice is tricky" (loved that whole section) and "comparing myself to others is painful and pointless." I already knew the latter for my own life, but I hadn't thought that way about my writing. Oh, and the part about never stop learning is great too...
ReplyDeleteMaryAnn, sorry I didn't post earlier on this. I absolutely love this analogy. Both parenting and writing can be so tough that you throw up your hands - and then there's a smile and a hug, or a flash of brilliant prose and it's all worth it again.
I love this post so much. I can't believe I never read it before today. How'd I miss a day of Prosers? This is brilliant beautiful stuff here, MaryAnn.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.