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So is being
well-written subjective, or is it being confused with style and/or voice? Maybe style, voice, and how the book is
written are just so intricately connect that they can’t be separated. Maybe, but maybe not.
I recently came
across this
post by ex-agent now author Nathan Bransford.
He wrote this post in response to
his blog readers questioning his claim that Fifty Shades of Grey is “not that
badly written.” He talks in the blog
post about how he defines good and bad writing.
“When I talk about "good"
writing and "bad" writing, I mean the prose. Is it readable on a
sentence-to-sentence level? Is there a flow? Is there a voice? Do I get tripped
up by a lack of specificity in description or are the details evocative? Is the
hand of the author too apparent or am I able to lose myself in the world of the
I think this is the perfect definition of good writing. It really gets to the heart of what is
important in writing, and it separates, as much as it can be separated, the
very subjective style and voice from the writing itself. And I’m not entirely sure if my interpretation
is correct, but this is my take on the points he makes and how they relate to
good writing.
“Is it readable on a sentence-to-sentence level?”
I think clarity is
the key here. The sentences need to be
free of grammar mistakes, and they can’t be too convoluted or poorly
constructed. The reader shouldn’t have
to struggle to understand the sentences.
“Is there flow?”
It isn’t enough to have clearly written sentences, those
sentences need to connect to each other.
The ideas need to logically flow from one sentence to another, and then
from paragraph to paragraph. In good
writing everything is connected to what came before with smooth seamless
transitions from idea to idea as the story progresses.
“Is there voice?”
Voice is kind of this nebulous thing that agents and editors
seem to want but no one really understands.
I know that voice is far more complex then I'm going to get into here (and Melanie gives a great definition of voice here), but I think an important aspect of voice is consistency.
There needs to be a consistent style throughout the entire story that
holds the writing together. It doesn't have to be a specific style. It just has to be consistent.
“Do I get tripped up in lack of specificity in description or
are the detail provocative?”
I think this has to do with confident writing. Vivid details help the story and the world
feel real, but I think there is more to it than that. I think there is a confidence that comes from
writing that is very specific, and that confidence in the prose makes us
readers more willing to trust that the writer knows what he/she is doing.
“Is the hand of the author too apparent, or am I able to lose myself in the world of the book.”
I think this is the most important aspects of good
writing. Good writing shouldn’t get in
the way of the story. It shouldn’t be
awkward or repetitive in structure, ideas, or words, but it also shouldn’t
stand out and steal the spotlight from the story. It should paint a scene, evoke emotion, and
put images and ideas into the readers mind, but the words themselves should be
I think these things, clarity, flow, consistency, confidence,
and invisibility is what makes up good writing.
Honestly, I’ve never read a traditionally published book that I didn’t
think was well-written on some level, even Twilight, The Da Vinci Code, and
Harry Potter.
So what are your thoughts?
What is good writing to you?
I don't know that personally I am a judge of great writing. I am not an English major and was always disinterested in grammer, which is too bad for me. I have read about what agents are looking for too and they always say good writing, but it does seem even to me that a lot of crap gets published. I don't include Twilight or Harry Poter they obviously have great appeal too lots of people. I read the first Twilight and I read it quickly. Stephanie pulled me in, even though I don't love the story and I would have read them all if they weren't movies. I believe it is about good storytelling which has always been around even before the written word. I believe that good writing helps with story, because it someone is confused and doesn't understand the story then it is a failure.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is about good storytelling, and that bad writing gets in the way of it. Good writing doesn't call attention to itself.
DeleteBut I think it is hard for a reader to separate the story from the writing, and if the story isn't working for the reader, it is easy to pick apart the prose. Personally, I only notice the writing when I first start a book or when I get bored, which is never a good thing. :)
I agree with Bransford. Many books have a pretty good stories, but the writing style can be pretty plain. Plain does not equal bad.
ReplyDeleteCompetent writing should not be looked down upon. That being said I enjoy beautiful prose. And my definition of beautiful prose may not coincide with the definition of a teacher or a random reader.
Recommending a book is recommending an experience - and the writing contributes to that experience and it definitely deserves mention in a good review. It should be put into words and not fall prey to the internet camps of "rulez" and "sux".
I agree. And I think plain can sometimes be beautiful. To me beautiful prose perfectly captures an image or an idea or an emotion, and that can blow me away as a reader. But the writing doesn't have to complex to do that. Sometimes simple sentences can amaze me in the emotion or image they manage to capture in such a few words.
DeleteTo me, good writing means writing that doesn't pull me away from the story.
ReplyDeleteThe more educated I get about writing, the more critical I become. It's gotten so bad I can't even enjoy Twilight anymore, which is a pity. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those carefree days when I didn't know so many rules. Of course, I was a lousy writer back then, so I guess there are trade-offs. :)
Same here. I've only read Twilight once (there are only a few books that I'll reread), but I'm guessing once you know what happens little things get more noticed and annoying on a second read. All I know is that a blew through All of the book in the Twilight saga at an amazing speed for me. So the prose had to be readable, and I thought it had a strong voice. So I thought the writing was good.
DeleteEnjoyed this. It's like trying to define what qualifies as a good car or how to determine if a house is well-built. So many different things must come together and so many other things must be avoided.
ReplyDeleteAnd I remember that "voice" post Melanie gave. It was a great post. (Told her so, too. LOL)
LOL, great analogy with houses and cars. Yes, a lot of things have to come together, and there will always be those personal preferences.
DeleteI loved Melanie's post on voice too. It was the best definition of voice I've seen.
Thanks Jeff and MaryAnn. That absolutely made my night.
DeleteI'm with Melanie. For me as a slush editor, good writing is writing that I don't notice. If I'm getting tripped up on individual words, metaphors, or phrasing, then the writing isn't good.
ReplyDeleteOf course, that's one of those annoying statements that is close to useless for working writers, so thank you for pulling all these points together.
I should say that great writing is something different - great writing will occasionally pull me out of a story, but not in a bad way. More like the moment captures me completely, but doesn't distract from the story.
Yeah, great writing is something different. I've truly been blown away by some amazing writing. Those are the books that make me think I'm such a fool to ever think I can do this writing thing. There are and have been some amazingly talented writers who manage to pull of beautiful evocative prose with an incredibly compelling story and with a profoundly meaningful message as well.
DeleteTrue genius.
MaryAnn, thank you so much for giving a more specific definition to such a general subject. I wish agents spelled things out this clearly. As usual your post is brilliant.
ReplyDeleteAnd Sabrina, I love your point about the difference between good and great writing. I totally agree.
Nathan Bransford and I might just have to agree to disagree on 50 Shades. I'd say anytime I'm rolling my eyes more than once a page it should knock at least a few points off the writing score. Then again, the story made me so angry that I couldn't judge the writing impartially, so there you have it.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the point is well taken. I don't think James Patterson is a bad writer, at least not in his earlier books, and I've never understood what all the criticism of Twilight was really about (bringing up the same book in two comments in a row... I need more examples!) Most romances I read are competently written but not spectacular, which works in traditional romance because you just want to be lost in the POV characters' heads, not in the beautiful prose.
True. I love Terry Pratchett because of how beautifully and humorously he writes, but I never dig in past the language. I prefer stories that you don't see the words, but I think there is space for both types of writers.