I've discovered something awesome. If you offer to review a book you get to read books for FREE. That means I'm open to book reviews, and that I'll never recover from my book addiction.
That's how I recently read one of my new favorite books, My Stupid Girl.

This author is one to watch. She slowly got me to fall behind, and then in love with David. He's imperfect, and broken. His past is littered with everything the author could throw at him, yet he somehow finds the way to escape his own wallowing to save this popular girl, Lucy, from crashing through a frozen pond.
That inciting decision changes the course of David's life. It changes him for the better. Loving Lucy changes him. I love a good love story, especially one that ignites change. Lucy and David change by falling in love, David for the better, and Lucy for the worse. I love that this story is also about how love can hurt you, about how even falling in love with the right person can be hard, and hurt. I adored Lucy by the end, and I admire so much how the author trusted Lucy enough to make her imperfect. Love saves her too, just not for a while.
The thing I like the best about My Stupid Girl is David's voice. He's a bit of an artist, and he see's everything with a ton and a half of visual description, so the world of the story is really clear. There are moments of funny and moments of sad, and not a single moment where I wouldn't let a teenage girl read this book.
It's not a perfect book, the prom scene was a bit confusing for me, and there were times that I wondered on the character's motivations, but it's a moving powerful little book that broke my heart and made me happy and neglect my home and family for a little while. Read it or I'll punch you.
I was so excited to interview the author, Aurora Smith.
Tell me about My Stupid Girl.
My Stupid Girl is really fun and deals a good dose of butt kicking if you let it.
How many books did you write before publishing My Stupid Girl.
I've written a dozen books but felt MSG was the only one so far worthy of sharing with people.
How long did it take you to write it, and get it it's published state?
How long did it take you to write it, and get it it's published state?
If you can believe it 2.5 years! I'm not a microwave author. I take time to write quality and I hope that shows.
Why did you choose the indie publishing route? Did you consider going traditional?
I did consider going traditional but when it came down to it I realized that I just liked the control.
. What's been the best moment for you since publishing?
. What's been the best moment for you since publishing?
The moment TTorest (Author of Remember When and Remember When 2) ask if she could put a link to my book in the back of her book because she liked it so much. It was a fan girl squeal heard around the world.
What are some of the difficulties you've faced in publishing My Stupid Girl?
I haven't really had many difficulties, it's been really fun!
Why did YOU have to write My Stupid Girl?
Why did YOU have to write My Stupid Girl?
I had a dream one night (if you read chapter 19 of my book you'll discover the dream) When I woke up I knew that I needed to write about the boy in my dream. Before I knew it my fingers were typing in his perspective. David's story had to be told and I was the only one who knew it!
What would you have done differently if you were to publish your book for the first time again?
What would you have done differently if you were to publish your book for the first time again?
I would have advertised before it came out. Everyone said to do it and like a ninny I didn't listen.
What would you say to someone who has a completed novel in hand and is considering self publishing?
What would you say to someone who has a completed novel in hand and is considering self publishing?
Get it professionally edited, get a kicking cover and most of all be kind to all authors! Don't be jealous of others success or put anyone down. You'll be rewarded 10 fold!
Thanks SO much Aurora. Here's Aurora's amazon link, goodreads, facebook, and her website, redmybooksandlosetenpounds.blogspot.com
Thanks SO much Aurora. Here's Aurora's amazon link, goodreads, facebook, and her website, redmybooksandlosetenpounds.blogspot.com
This is a great review. This book sounds wonderful. Thanks for the share.
ReplyDeleteThanks! WOOHOO!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like an awesome book. I'm so glad you found it. Adding it to my stacks.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview and interesting book. I'm kind of curious about the title, but I guess I'll just have to read it. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't buy a lot of kindle books. I just never get around to it. But I bought this one. Can't wait to read it--sounds fantastic. :)